
31 31.12.2004

Update auf SketchUp 4.0.170/.173 online

POSH GmbH2023-03-24T05:14:02+01:0031.12.2004|Kategorien: Support, Update|Tags: Version|

Die aktuelle SketchUp Version 4.0.170 für Windows und Version 4.0.173 für Mac OS X stehen jetzt auch als deutsche Versionen im Download-Bereich zur Verfügung.

In dieser aktuellen Version ist können Dokumente im SketchUp 3.0 SKP-Format gespeichert werden. Es konnten außerdem div. Absturz-Probleme beseitigt werden.

31 31.08.2004

Update auf SketchUp 4.0.149 behebt diverse Probleme

POSH GmbH2023-03-24T05:13:42+01:0031.08.2004|Kategorien: Support, Update|Tags: Version|

Mit dem aktuellen Update auf SketchUp 4.0.149 (nur englische Version) werden folgende Probleme behoben:

  • A fix for the 2D DWG/DXF export which could cause some exports to be less accurate than they were in 3.1 (e.g., lines missing).
  • A fix for a blank PDF or EPS export that could occur on some 4.0 models.
  • A fix for a component thumbnail crash that could occur after working in a model for a while. Very rarely, it was possible that this crash could cause a SketchUp model to become corrupt.
  • A fix for a Follow Me crash that could occur when a glued component existed on a face that was modified by Follow Me.
  • A fix for the depth channel being incorrect on some EPIX exports.
  • A fix for a bug where the EPIX export was incorrect when exporting textures that were positioned. The symptom of this bug was an EPIX export file that displayed only shadows in the RGB channel.
  • A fix for color by layer not working with the 3ds export.
  • A change to bring back the ability to smooth hidden or already smoothed lines without having to turn on Hidden Geometry.
  • A fix for a crash when exploding a few models.
  • A fix for a crash when loading models with invalid curves.

Die aktuelle SketchUp Version 4.0.149 finden Sie in unserer Download-Sektion.

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